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Archived Water Damage Blog Posts

Water Damage Preparedness for Homeowners Associations

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

As a homeowner, ensuring your property is well-prepared for any eventuality is paramount. However, when you belong to a homeowners association (HOA), the responsibility extends beyond just your individual unit. A proactive approach to water damage preparedness not only safeguards your investment but also fosters a sense of community resilience. In this blog post, we'll delve into essential strategies for HOAs to mitigate water damage risks effectively.

Comprehensive Inspections

Regular inspections of common areas, including roofs, gutters, plumbing systems, and drainage systems, are indispensable. Identifying potential issues early can prevent costly water damage incidents down the line. Consider scheduling professional inspections annually or semi-annually to ensure thoroughness.

Robust Maintenance Protocols

Implementing and adhering to strict maintenance protocols is key to preventing water intrusion. This includes promptly addressing leaks, repairing damaged seals, and clearing debris from drainage systems. Establishing a maintenance schedule and delegating responsibilities among HOA members or hired professionals ensures consistency and accountability.

Educational Initiatives

Empowering residents with knowledge about water damage prevention is crucial. Organize educational sessions or distribute informational materials outlining common causes of water damage, warning signs to watch for, and proper maintenance practices. Encouraging proactive involvement fosters a culture of vigilance within the community.

Emergency Preparedness Plans

Develop comprehensive emergency response plans tailored to water damage scenarios. Outline clear protocols for reporting incidents, shutting off water sources, and accessing emergency resources. Conduct drills periodically to familiarize residents with procedures and ensure readiness in high-stress situations.

Investment in Technology

Leverage technological advancements to enhance water damage detection and prevention efforts. Installing smart sensors and monitoring systems in vulnerable areas can provide real-time alerts for potential leaks or abnormal moisture levels. Early detection enables swift intervention, minimizing the extent of damage.

Collaboration with Professionals

Cultivate partnerships with reputable water damage restoration companies like SERVPRO®. Establishing a rapport ensures access to prompt, reliable assistance in the event of an emergency. Familiarize restoration professionals with the layout of the community to expedite response times and mitigate disruption.

Documentation and Insurance

Maintain detailed records of maintenance activities, inspections, and repairs conducted within the community. Comprehensive documentation not only aids in tracking progress but also streamlines insurance claims processes in the event of water damage incidents. Review and update insurance coverage regularly to ensure adequate protection against potential risks.

By prioritizing water damage preparedness, homeowners associations can fortify their defenses against unforeseen challenges. Proactive measures not only safeguard property values but also nurture a resilient and cohesive community environment. Remember, the key to effective risk management lies in vigilance, collaboration, and proactive planning. Together, we can build stronger, more resilient communities equipped to weather any storm.

For professional assistance with water damage restoration and mitigation, trust SERVPRO—your partner in property preservation and restoration excellence. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive services tailored to meet your community's needs.

Water Damage and Home Value: The Impact of Restoration on Property Resale

2/3/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can have a significant impact on the value of a property. Understanding the effects of water damage and the importance of restoration is crucial for homeowners looking to sell their homes. In this blog post, we will explore how water damage can affect property resale and highlight the key role of restoration in maximizing home value.

Recognizing the Consequences of Water Damage

Discuss the potential consequences of water damage on a property's resale value. Explain how issues such as mold growth, structural damage, and compromised electrical systems can significantly impact buyer perception and decrease home value. Help readers understand the importance of addressing water damage promptly and thoroughly.

The Role of Restoration in Property Resale

Explore the significance of restoration in mitigating the damage caused by water and restoring a property's value. Discuss the various restoration processes, such as water extraction, drying, mold remediation, and repairing structural damage. Highlight how a professionally restored home provides reassurance to potential buyers and helps maintain or even increase the property's value.

Hiring Professional Restoration Services

Emphasize the importance of hiring professional restoration services to ensure a thorough and effective restoration process. Discuss the advantages of working with certified and experienced professionals who can properly assess the damage, utilize advanced equipment, and follow industry best practices to restore the property to its pre-damaged condition.

Documenting the Restoration Process

Explain the significance of documenting the restoration process, including before-and-after photos and detailed descriptions of the restoration work. Demonstrate how this documentation can serve as evidence of the property's restoration and instill confidence in potential buyers. Encourage homeowners to keep records of the restoration work for future reference during the selling process.

Showcasing the Restoration Efforts

Discuss the importance of highlighting the restoration efforts when marketing the property for resale. Encourage homeowners to effectively communicate and showcase the restoration work through high-quality photos, descriptions, and even home inspection reports. Help readers understand how effectively demonstrating the property's restored condition can positively impact buyer perception and increase the likelihood of a higher resale value.

Consulting with Real Estate Professionals

Encourage homeowners to consult with real estate professionals who have experience dealing with water-damaged properties. These professionals can provide valuable insights on marketing strategies, pricing considerations, and connecting homeowners with potential buyers who understand the value of a professionally restored home.

Water damage can significantly affect the resale value of a home, but through professional restoration, homeowners can restore and even enhance their property value. By recognizing the consequences of water damage, hiring professional restoration services, diligently documenting the restoration process, and effectively showcasing the restoration efforts, homeowners can maximize their chances of achieving a successful property resale.

Decoding the Language of Water Damage Restoration: A Comprehensive Guide of Terminology

10/15/2023 (Permalink)

Green water restoration equipment. Familiarizing yourself with the terminology used in water damage restoration can help you better understand entire the restoration process!

Navigating the world of water damage restoration can be overwhelming, especially when faced with unfamiliar terminology. Understanding the key terms used in the industry is essential for effective communication and ensuring the best possible restoration outcomes. In this blog post, we'll provide a comprehensive glossary of water damage restoration terminology to help you comprehend the various concepts, techniques, and equipment involved in the restoration process.

1. Water Damage Categories

Category 1: Clean Water - Water from a clean source, such as a broken pipe or faucet, does not pose an immediate health risk.

Category 2: Grey Water - Water that may contain contaminants and can cause illness if ingested. Examples include dishwasher or washing machine overflow.

Category 3: Black Water - Highly contaminated water that poses substantial health risks. This includes sewage backups, floodwaters, or water from natural disasters.

2. Water Damage Classes

Class 1: Minimal Porosity Materials Affected - Only a small area is affected, and materials have a low water absorption rate.

Class 2: Significant Porosity Materials Affected - A larger area is affected, and materials have a moderate water absorption rate.

Class 3: Excessive Porosity Materials Affected - The greatest amount of water absorption by highly porous materials such as carpet, padding, and walls.

Class 4: Specialty Drying Situations - Unique materials, advanced drying techniques, and extended drying times are required.

3. Mold Remediation

Mold: Fungi that grows in moist environments and can cause serious property damage.

Mold Remediation: The process of removing and preventing the growth of mold in a water-damaged area.

HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) Filtration: An air filtration device that captures and traps microscopic particles, including mold spores.

4. Drying Techniques and Equipment

Dehumidifier: A device that removes excess moisture from the air, promoting faster drying.

Air Movers: High-velocity fans that facilitate evaporation and promote air circulation for faster drying.

Injectidry System: A specialized drying system that directs air into cavities, such as walls or ceilings, to promote thorough drying without the need for demolition.

Moisture Meter: A handheld device that measures the moisture content of materials to determine the extent of water damage and monitor the drying progress.

5. Restoration Procedures

Water Extraction: The process of removing standing water from a water-damaged area using pumps, vacuums, or other specialized equipment.

Structural Drying: The process of drying out the structure and materials affected by water damage, including walls, floors, and ceilings.

Content Restoration: The cleaning, deodorizing, and restoration of personal belongings affected by water damage, such as furniture, clothing, or electronics.

Odor Control: The process of eliminating or neutralizing unpleasant odors caused by water damage using deodorizing techniques and products.

Familiarizing yourself with the terminology used in water damage restoration can help you better understand the restoration process, communicate effectively with professionals, and make informed decisions. This glossary provides a solid foundation of key terms related to water damage categories and classes, mold remediation, drying techniques and equipment, and restoration procedures. By gaining knowledge in this area, you'll have the confidence to navigate the world of water damage restoration and ensure the best possible outcomes for your property.

Navigating Water: Tackling Common Challenges in Commercial Buildings

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

commercial building ceiling Efficient water management is crucial to keep your commercial space safe and operational.

Water is a crucial resource in any commercial building, serving various purposes such as drinking, sanitation, heating, cooling, and irrigation. However, the efficient management of water in commercial buildings can be challenging, leading to several common water issues. These issues can disrupt daily operations, compromise water quality, and result in unnecessary expenses. In this blog, we will explore some of the most prevalent water issues faced by commercial buildings, their causes, and potential solutions.

Leaks and Plumbing Problems

Leaky pipes, faucets, and toilets are common issues that waste significant amounts of water and can lead to structural damage. Faulty plumbing systems, high water pressure, or corrosion can contribute to these leaks. Routine inspection and maintenance of plumbing systems are crucial to detect and address leaks promptly. Implementing water-efficient fixtures and employing professional plumbers for regular maintenance can significantly reduce the occurrence of such issues.

Low Water Pressure

Insufficient water pressure can cause inconveniences such as weak water flow, slow filling of tanks, and ineffective water-based equipment. Common causes of low water pressure in commercial buildings include inadequate pipe sizing, sediment buildup, clogs, or issues with the municipal water supply. To resolve low water pressure, it is important to identify the root cause. Regular cleaning of water storage tanks, installation of pressure-boosting systems, and periodic checks on the plumbing infrastructure can help alleviate this issue.

Water Contamination

Water contamination poses a series of risk of occupants in commercial buildings. Contaminants such as bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, or pollutants can enter the water supply through various sources. Aging infrastructure, backflow incidents, improper maintenance, or poor water treatment practices can contribute to water contamination. Regular testing of water quality, installation of effective filtration systems, and adherence to proper maintenance protocols can help mitigate contamination risks.

Water Waste and High Consumption

Commercial buildings often experience excessive water waste and consumption due to inefficient practices and outdated infrastructure. Common culprits include over-irrigation, inefficient cooling towers, leaks, and unrestricted water use. Implementing water-saving measures such as low-flow fixtures, smart irrigation systems, and regular leak detection programs can significantly reduce water waste and consumption. Awareness campaigns and employee education on water conservation can also contribute to more responsible water usage.

Inadequate Hot Water Supply

Insufficient or inconsistent hot water supply can be a major inconvenience in commercial buildings, especially in settings that rely heavily on hot water for daily operations such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. Inadequate water heater capacity, equipment malfunction, sediment buildup, or piping issues can cause such problems. Regular maintenance of water heaters, proper sizing of equipment, and periodic flushing of tanks can help ensure a consistent and reliable hot water supply.

Efficient water management in commercial buildings is crucial for sustainable operations, cost savings, and maintaining a safe and healthy environment. By addressing common water issues such as leaks, low water pressure, contamination, waste, and inadequate hot water supply, building owners and managers can significantly reduce water-related problems. Regular maintenance, implementation of water-saving technologies, and raising awareness among occupants can pave the way towards a more sustainable and responsible use of water resources in commercial buildings.

Water Issues are common in Commercial Buildings.

3/10/2023 (Permalink)

The most common causes of water damage in a commercial building are leaks, flooding and condensation. Leaks can occur in a building's plumbing system or through appliances like air conditioning units. Flooding occurs when water from sources like storm surges or roof leaks enters the premises. Condensation also causes costly damage as it forms when indoor temperatures are too high to allow stagnant water vapor to escape through the ventilation system. To avoid these issues, you should closely monitor your building for signs of moisture damage and take immediate action if something occurs that could cause extensive damage.

Water damage is one of the most expensive types of losses in commercial buildings.

Water damage is one of the most expensive types of losses in commercial buildings. Water damage can cause mold and mildew, and other secondary damages. If water enters electrical equipment, it may cause an electrical shock or fire that damages equipment and leads to downtime for your business operations until repairs are made.

If there's enough water present on a surface long enough, it will begin seeping into cracks in floors, walls and ceilings causing structural damage over time and can be very costly.

The most common causes of water loss.

When it comes to leaks, they can be caused by several different factors including aged fixtures and pipes, poor installation practices or damage from freezing temperatures. Leaks are often undetected until they cause major damage to the building or its contents. It's important to have regular checks done at least once a year by an experienced plumber who can identify any potential issues before they become a problem.

Flooding occurs when water from a source such as a storm surge or roof leak enters into your building through doors or windows that aren't sealed properly or have been left open during inclement weather. If you notice any signs of flooding after these types of events occur in your area then it could mean there's been serious structural damage done somewhere within your structure, which needs immediate attention before more serious issues arise down the road.

Condensation is common.

Condensation is a common problem in commercial buildings. Condensation forms when indoor temperatures are too high to allow stagnant water vapor to escape through the building's ventilation system, which causes water droplets to form on surfaces such as windows and walls. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including temperature and humidity levels, as well as how well your building is ventilated.

In addition to being unsightly, condensation can lead to mold growth and secondary damages. Condensation can also cause structural damage if left untreated, this happens when moisture seeps into wood or other materials over time and causes them rot away from within.

Water damage can be costly.

Water damage can be costly. Act quickly upon noticing the damage to quickly prevent future problems. If you have any questions about how to prevent water issues in your commercial building, contact SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania for your commercial water damage. Our technicians are available 24/7 and upon arrival begin the restoration process to get your doors back open as soon as possible.

Is your Dishwasher Leaking?

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

It's no fun to come home from work to find a damp mess on your kitchen floor. If you've been noticing water underneath or around your dishwasher, it's possible that you have a leak.

Why is My Dishwasher Leaking?

A number of factors can lead to water spilling out of the bottom, including clogged drains, damaged hoses and faulty door seals. A leaking door seal or faulty latch on the door are other possible causes for leakage. The most common reason for leakage is a clogged drain which carries water into the dishwasher and out through its bottom during operation.

What Causes a Dishwasher to Leak?

The first step to fixing a leaky dishwasher is determining the cause of the leak. There are many reasons why a dishwasher could leak. The installation process is crucial. If the  dishwasher isn't level or installed properly, it can cause the machine to malfunction and cause a water loss.

The drain line for your sink and air gap for your plumbing may not be installed correctly, causing water to back up into your dishwasher and leak out onto your floor.

Clean the Dishwasher Drain

If your dishwasher is leaking, the first thing to do is check for a clog in the drain hose. This is usually done by removing the hose from where it connects to the sink, turning on hot water with soap and letting it run until there's no more suds coming down. If this doesn't work, use a snake or wire hanger to clear any blockages from inside of the drain itself (you may need to do this with hot water running). If that still doesn't help, try using a small brush or sponge to clean out any debris stuck in your drain hose and make sure that it isn't damaged. Keeping the dishwasher drain clean can help prevent future water damage.

Simple Repairs

If you are experiencing a leak, it's best to troubleshoot the issue before calling a technician. You can save time and money by performing some simple repairs yourself.

To begin your troubleshooting process, check for any obvious problems:

  • Check if there is anything blocking or restricting the flow of water in your dishwasher. Make sure all drains are cleaned out and free from any debris that may have accumulated around the pump seal or drain hose connections under the sink.
  • Make sure that all hoses are fastened securely so that they don’t rub against each other when pushing in downspouts. Also look for any missing or loose gaskets on connection points like pumps and hoses where they connect together with rubber washers or clamps

There are many reasons a dishwasher can leak, from faulty installation to poor maintenance. If you’re experiencing a leak in your dishwasher, don’t panic! Just remember to start by checking for signs of water damage and then try these simple troubleshooting tips to repair the problem before it gets worse.

How Long Does the Water Damage Restoration Process Take?

12/16/2022 (Permalink)

water extraction equipment placed inside a home SERVPRO of Haywood and Transylvania Counties have all the equipment needed to help you after water damage.

Steps In the Water Clean Up and Repair Process

Water damage is a serious issue that you don’t want to take lightly. Water can cause a variety of issues, including mold growth, structural damage and more. It’s important to hire a professional water damage restoration company who can help you assess the extent of the damage as quickly as possible and then take steps to rectify it. At SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania, we provide 24/7 emergency services for all types of residential and commercial water damage situations.

Step 1: Assess the damage

The first step of water damage restoration is to assess the damage. Before your restoration company can begin treatment and repair, they need to know what kind of damage has occurred and how severe it is. It's important to note that this process will be different depending on what caused the water problem in your home or business.

Water damage can be caused by many things, including:

  • A burst pipe
  • A broken dishwasher hoses
  • Faulty sump pump maintenance
  • Heavy rains or flooding due to natural disasters like hurricanes or tornadoes

Step 2: Containment and extraction

Containment and extraction are the two most important steps in the water damage restoration process. After you call us, we will come out to your home or office and start the containment process immediately. The goal of containment is to prevent further damage from occurring by creating a barrier between the wet area and any dry areas nearby that could be affected by water damage.

Containment can be done in a few different ways: using tarps or other waterproof materials, moving furniture away from walls and repairing broken windows or doors so that moisture does not continue to enter an area it shouldn't (like through cracks around windows). If there is standing water present after these actions have been taken, then we will also place absorbent pads underneath rugs/carpets where they rest on subfloors/panels so they do not become saturated as well (this can lead to mold growth if left untreated). Once all these things have been completed then we begin extracting excess moisture with specialized equipment designed specifically for this purpose!

Step 3: Drying and dehumidification

Drying and dehumidification are two separate processes that can be done simultaneously. Drying refers to the process of removing water from the structure, while dehumidification is the lowering of humidity in your home or building. The purpose of this step is to prevent mold growth.

Step 4: Cleaning and sanitizing

After water damage has been removed, your next step is to clean and sanitize the affected area.

Cleaning usually involves using a mild detergent (such as dish soap) and water to remove any remaining residue from a cleaning solution. In many cases, simply wiping down an affected area with warm running water will be enough to clean most surfaces.

Sanitizing is more involved than simply cleaning because of the pathogens still present in your Dellwood, NC home after cleanup efforts begin. The purpose of sanitizing in this stage of restoration is primarily disinfection: killing off bacteria and other microorganisms that may be living on your walls or floors after flood damage has been removed. 

Step 5: Restoration

Once the water damage has been removed, it's time to start the restoration process. Restoration can be done by a professional contractor or by the homeowner with the help of a professional. Restoration can be done to the interior or exterior of a structure, such as flooring and walls, or it can be done on smaller items like furniture and electronics — even jewelry!

If you're looking for a way to save money and get your restoration completed quickly, hiring a professional is always recommended because they have experience in working with all types of water-damaged properties. If you want to do all your own work but still want help from someone who knows how long this process takes on average (and why), consider contacting us today!

The time it takes for water damage repair depends on a variety of factors.

To get an idea of how long it will take to restore your home after a water damage event, consider the following factors.

  • The size of the area affected. If you have only a small amount of water damage in your house, then the process should be straightforward and take a minimal amount of time to complete. However, if there is more extensive damage throughout most or all parts of your home, then this may require more time and resources to repair (and thus cost more).
  • The extent of the damage. Water can cause significant destruction when it seeps into walls or floors—even if there isn't much visible evidence initially.
  • Type material damaged by water contact: For example: wood floors are sensitive because they absorb moisture easily – so less dampness means less wear-and-tear over time – whereas vinyl floors tend not suffer much at all.

The time it takes for water damage repair depends on a variety of factors. The amount of water that was spilled, the amount of damage to your property and how quickly you act will all impact how long the restoration process will take. If there is significant damage or if you wait too long before calling in professionals, then this could lead to more extensive repairs down the road.

When I Take a Shower the Toilet Overflows?

11/1/2022 (Permalink)

When I Take a Shower, the Toilet Overflows… What Should I Do?

“My toilet overflows when I take a shower. What do I do?” It sounds like your pipes are getting backed up due to the extra water pressure in the system. Luckily, there are some easy ways to fix this problem, so you don't have to worry about expensive plumbers or sewage overflows.

Sewage Overflows

A sewage overflow is a situation in which the amount of water and waste that your pipes can handle is more than they can handle. That’s why they overflow.

It happens when there isn't enough room or time for all the wastewater to leave your home through your plumbing system. You may notice this if you see water coming out of floor drains or toilet, especially during heavy rainstorms. It's important to note that household plumbing systems are not designed to store wastewater; rather, they're intended to move it away from your home as quickly as possible before it causes damage—which means that any blockage will lead to an overflow condition somewhere along the line.

Tips for preventing toilet and clogged pipe overflows

You may have tried a few of these tips before and they didn't work, but I'm going to show you how they can help you prevent toilet and clogged pipe overflows.

  • Don't flush anything but toilet paper and human waste. No matter how hard it is to believe that something else will go down the drain, don't do it! This includes hair, wet wipes, paper towels or rags, and all other kinds of debris. 
  • Don't pour grease or oil down the drain either; fats only clog things up faster than needed so don't make matters worse by pouring them into your drains too!

Know where your main shut off valve is and how to turn it off.

If you have a shower or bathtub, you have an overflow drain and a shut off valve. You also have an emergency shutoff valve in case of flooding. This is the one that’s going to save your bathroom from disaster if something gets clogged up in the pipes or if there’s a leak.

The main shut off valve is located close to where the water lines come up through the floor and into your house. The emergency shutoff valve is usually located near where they exit out of your house again. If you can't find them, ask someone who knows their way around plumbing (a plumber), or call a licensed professional who can help locate them for you.

Do not flush chemical products such as baby wipes, paper towels and feminine products into the pipe.

It is important to know that baby wipes, paper towels and feminine products are not safe to flush down the toilet. These items can clog the pipes of your home’s sewage system and cause a serious sewage overflow. Furthermore, they can cause other problems in your home.

You should never flush these items down the toilet.

If your toilet is overflowing, it can be a very distressing situation. You need to know where your main shut off valve is and how to turn it off. If you have not been prepared ahead of time, then there may be some damage done by the time you get there. It is important that you know where this shut off valve is before an overflow occurs so that you can quickly deal with any problems in your home.

3 Reasons You Need Business Insurance

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

Here Are A Few Reasons You Need a Solid Business Owners Policy

There are many monthly expenses that you should include in your budget. Good business insurance is one of them. Water damage in your commercial building in Cherokee, NC, can be very expensive to repair. If you have the right coverage, however, it doesn't have to be devastating. Here are a few reasons you need a solid business owner's policy.

1. Protect Your Investment

You invest a lot of time and money into your commercial property. It just makes sense to have the insurance coverage you need to take care of it. Broken pipes and leaks can cause a lot of damage. By insuring your building, you can be assured that you have the resources to get the mitigation you need.

2. Save Money

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you won't have to worry about water damage in your building. After all, if you conduct frequent inspections and keep up with maintenance, you can avoid most problems. You can't predict emergency issues, though. While a monthly premium may seem expensive, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the potential cost of repairs if a large disaster strikes.

3. Avoid Lengthy Interruptions

Having a good insurance policy to fall back on can help expedite the repair process. When you call your insurance company to report a problem, a representative can probably suggest reputable water cleanup professionals in your area. The technicians and your adjuster can work together to make sure your building is restored as soon as possible. The less time you have to spend waiting on repairs, the sooner you can get back to business as usual.
No matter how well you care for your building, water damage from a leak or busted pipe can happen. When it does, you'll be glad you have a good business insurance policy to cover the cost of restoration

3 ways To Prevent Water Damage From a Broken Pipe

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

Why Pipes Break and How To Avoid The Damage

Every homeowner in Retreat, NC, shares a common nightmare: having water in home walls and on floors due to broken pipes. Consider the three main reasons why pipes break and how to avoid the damage those breaks can cause.

1. Earth Shifting Can Lead to a Broken Pipe

Earthquakes can happen almost anywhere in the U.S. The seismic forces generated by the movement of the earth can easily break buried pipes and leave water in home spaces. Living in an area near an active fault line requires having a professional inspect your plumbing regularly to avoid an expensive pipe cleanup job. Additionally, nearby construction can cause shifting underground, which can lead to damaged pipes. Asking the construction crew to be wary of your pipes may help to minimize problems and avoid water damage repair.

2. Water Pressure Increasing Can Cause Bursts

Water pressure above 80 psi causes product warranties to be voided and insurance companies to cease covering damages. The closer you are to the water source, like a water tower or pumping station, the higher the pressure. Also, the pressure is highest at midday when everyone is at work. Installing a pressure relief valve is one good way to avoid this problem and properly regulate the water pressure in your home.

3. Temperatures Dropping Can Freeze Pipes

Freezing temperatures occur in many parts of the country, but especially in Retreat, NC. Fortunately, proper insulation can ensure freezing does not cause your pipes to break and pump water into home walls and throughout the rooms. Be sure to cover all outside valves with a fitted insulation cap and use pipe insulation or a blanket and straw for any exposed pipes, such as a sump pump discharge.
There are many reasons why your pipes might break, but with a little forethought, you can reduce the chances of having to deal with every homeowner's worst nightmare.

What’s an ERP?

3/19/2022 (Permalink)

Green truck and truck box parked in front a commercial business. SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania Counties responding to a large water loss.

Many business owners wonder if they are ready for an emergency. The easiest way to prepare your company for a disaster is to start an emergency profile or an ERP.

Who does ERPs?

SERVPRO is a company that consists of independently owned and operated franchises around the country with one right in Brevard, NC. They have been around for many years and are one of the top restoration companies in the United States. Some key facts about the company include:

  • Many insurance companies trust them
  • They have many franchises scattered across the continental US
  • They can quickly handle different disasters

Is Your Business Ready?

Many businesses have a plan for what they will do in the event of emergencies. However, this often doesn't account for what they will do after the event has ended. The good news is that proper planning allows companies to survive these disasters and quickly get back on their feet. While an emergency profile is not a full plan, it makes developing one much easier. Full contingency plans cover incident response, disaster recovery, and business continuity. An ERP handles the incident response and disaster recovery aspects of this. If you don't think your company would survive, your business could probably benefit from an ERP. This can easily be conducted over the mobile app.

How Does an ERP Help?

An emergency profile helps because it can minimize the time it takes for disaster restoration professionals to begin working on your business after an event. This is because your ERP provides detailed instructions of what must be done, how to do it, and who to contact in the event of an emergency. The timely mitigation and restoration that results mean your business will face less downtime and long-term damage from a disaster.
ERPs are a significant benefit for businesses that are working on their contingency plans. Downloading the ERP app is the first step to unlocking the timely mitigation and reduced downtime associated with having a profile.

3 Potential Reasons You Have Noisy Pipes

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

Three Reasons You Have Noisy Pipes

Your home in Bryson City, NC, should be a comfortable and quiet place. If you have a noisy plumbing system, though, knocks and creaks could keep you up at night. While avoiding a pipe break is likely your primary concern, you may want to quiet your loud pipes. Here are three potential reasons you have noisy pipes in your home.

1. You Have Copper Pipes

Copper pipes tend to expand when hot water passes through them. When you switch to cold water, copper pipes quickly contract. This expansion and contraction can make your plumbing system noisy. While you probably don’t have to worry about a pipe burst, the noise may annoy you. By lowering the temperature on your water heater, you may be able to effectively stop the creaks and pops.

2. A Water Hammer Hits Your Valve

A water hammer occurs when pressured water hits the shut-off valve. Unlike noises from copper pipes, a water hammer may cause a pipe break. You may be able to fix the problem by tinkering with the air chamber in your plumbing system. If the water hammer causes a break, you must fix the broken pipe. Then, work with a water cleanup service to be sure you successfully control flood damage.

3. Water Pressure Plagues Your Plumbing System

Finally, you may have too much water pressure surging through your pipes. While high pressure is good for washing dishes, filling water bottles and showering, it can wreak havoc on your plumbing system. If you think water pressure is the source of your noisy pipes, adjust the pressure regulator.

Noisy pipes can be unbelievably annoying. Depending on the cause of pipe noise, your loud pipes could be a sign of a bigger problem with your plumbing system. By understanding what causes pipes to creak, moan and snap, you can develop a plan for protecting your home’s plumbing.