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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

The Power of Promptness: The Importance of Timely Storm Damage Cleanup

9/27/2023 (Permalink)

Storms can leave a trail of destruction in their wake, causing extensive damage to homes and properties. From fallen trees and damaged roofs to flooded basements and debris scattered everywhere, the aftermath of a storm can be overwhelming. One crucial step that should never be overlooked is prompt storm damage cleanup. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of timely storm damage cleanup and highlight its benefits.

Prevent Further Damage

One of the primary reasons why prompt storm damage cleanup is essential is to prevent further damage. After a storm, there may still be residual water, debris, and fallen trees that pose additional risks. By promptly removing fallen branches, clearing debris, and addressing any structural issues, you can minimize the potential for further damage to your property. This not only protects the integrity of your home but also helps avoid costly repairs that could arise from neglecting these issues.

Ensure Safety

Safety should always be a top priority when it comes to storm damage cleanup. Fallen trees, broken glass, and damaged electrical systems are just a few hazards that may be present post-storm. Hiring professionals who are trained and equipped to handle these situations ensures your safety and that of anyone involved in the cleanup process. They can assess the potential risks, take the necessary precautions, and safely remove dangerous debris or hazards.

Expedite Insurance Claims

If your property is covered by insurance, getting the storm damage cleanup done promptly can help expedite the insurance claims process. Insurance companies often require documentation of the damage and the steps taken to mitigate and restore the property. By documenting the cleanup process and providing proof of prompt action, you increase the likelihood of a smooth and efficient claims process. This can save you time and ensure that you receive the necessary compensation for the damages sustained.

Restore Normalcy

Cleaning up and restoring your property after a storm can bring a sense of normalcy back to your life. Prompt storm damage cleanup allows you to regain control and start the process of rebuilding and recovery. By swiftly addressing the damage, you can begin repairs and restoration, helping to return your property to its pre-storm condition. This not only restores your physical space but also provides emotional relief by facilitating a smoother transition from the chaos of a storm to normal everyday life.

Prompt storm damage cleanup is crucial for many reasons. It prevents further damage, ensures safety, expedites insurance claims, and helps restore a sense of normalcy after a storm. Whether it involves removing fallen trees, addressing water damage, or clearing debris, taking immediate action can save you time, money, and stress in the long run. Remember, when it comes to storm damage cleanup, swift and efficient action is key.

When Should You Schedule Maintenance for Your Furnace?

8/9/2023 (Permalink)

Regular furnace maintenance is essential to ensure efficient functioning, extend the lifespan of the furnace, and ensure safety. A well-maintained furnace operates reliably, prevents energy waste, and keeps your home or business warm and comfortable during the colder months. But how do you determine when it's time to carry out furnace maintenance? In this blog post, we will discuss factors to consider when assessing the timing of furnace maintenance.

Age of furnace

Furnaces typically last between 15-20 years, depending on the quality of installation, gas supply, and maintenance schedules. If your furnace is reaching the end of its expected lifespan, it's essential to carry out routine maintenance to ensure efficient operation and avoid unexpected breakdowns.

The more you use your furnace, the more frequently it requires maintenance. If you use your furnace throughout the day and night, or your business relies heavily on furnace heating, consider scheduling maintenance more frequently, at least once annually. This will prevent heating disruption and extend the life of the furnace.

Unusual noises or smells

If you hear strange noises or smells emanating from your furnace, this is a sign to schedule maintenance immediately. Strange noises could signify problems with the blower motor, bearings, or fan belts. Foul odors indicate potential for gas leaks or the accumulation of dust and debris. Immediately scheduling maintenance can prevent these issues from escalating and affecting the overall performance of the furnace.

If you notice your energy bills are consistently increasing without a change in usage, it could be a sign that your furnace is functioning inefficiently. Regular maintenance, including filter replacement, can help ensure that your furnace is operating efficiently, resulting in lower energy bills.

Poor indoor air quality

Furnaces distribute heat into your home or business through the ductwork. If the furnace filter is dirty or clogged, this can negatively impact indoor air quality, leading to poor air circulation and even respiratory problems. Replacing filters or scheduling maintenance will ensure that the air circulated is healthy and clean.

Regular inspections of the furnace's visible components can help you detect potential issues early. Look out for rust, corrosion, and general wear and tear on the furnace components. These are often signs of damage and can indicate a need for maintenance or replacement.

Manufacturer's recommendations

Refer to the manufacturer's manual for specific recommendations on maintenance frequency and procedures. Some warranties may require periodic maintenance to remain valid. Following the recommendations of the manufacturer will ensure optimal performance and prolong the lifespan of the furnace.

In conclusion, scheduling regular furnace maintenance is essential to ensure efficient functioning, safety, and longevity. Consider the furnace's age, frequency of usage, energy bills, indoor air quality, unusual noises and smells, and the manufacturer's recommendations when assessing when to schedule maintenance. By staying proactive about furnace maintenance, you can avoid costly repairs and replacements while ensuring a warm and comfortable home or workplace.

Navigating Water: Tackling Common Challenges in Commercial Buildings

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

commercial building ceiling Efficient water management is crucial to keep your commercial space safe and operational.

Water is a crucial resource in any commercial building, serving various purposes such as drinking, sanitation, heating, cooling, and irrigation. However, the efficient management of water in commercial buildings can be challenging, leading to several common water issues. These issues can disrupt daily operations, compromise water quality, and result in unnecessary expenses. In this blog, we will explore some of the most prevalent water issues faced by commercial buildings, their causes, and potential solutions.

Leaks and Plumbing Problems

Leaky pipes, faucets, and toilets are common issues that waste significant amounts of water and can lead to structural damage. Faulty plumbing systems, high water pressure, or corrosion can contribute to these leaks. Routine inspection and maintenance of plumbing systems are crucial to detect and address leaks promptly. Implementing water-efficient fixtures and employing professional plumbers for regular maintenance can significantly reduce the occurrence of such issues.

Low Water Pressure

Insufficient water pressure can cause inconveniences such as weak water flow, slow filling of tanks, and ineffective water-based equipment. Common causes of low water pressure in commercial buildings include inadequate pipe sizing, sediment buildup, clogs, or issues with the municipal water supply. To resolve low water pressure, it is important to identify the root cause. Regular cleaning of water storage tanks, installation of pressure-boosting systems, and periodic checks on the plumbing infrastructure can help alleviate this issue.

Water Contamination

Water contamination poses a series of risk of occupants in commercial buildings. Contaminants such as bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, or pollutants can enter the water supply through various sources. Aging infrastructure, backflow incidents, improper maintenance, or poor water treatment practices can contribute to water contamination. Regular testing of water quality, installation of effective filtration systems, and adherence to proper maintenance protocols can help mitigate contamination risks.

Water Waste and High Consumption

Commercial buildings often experience excessive water waste and consumption due to inefficient practices and outdated infrastructure. Common culprits include over-irrigation, inefficient cooling towers, leaks, and unrestricted water use. Implementing water-saving measures such as low-flow fixtures, smart irrigation systems, and regular leak detection programs can significantly reduce water waste and consumption. Awareness campaigns and employee education on water conservation can also contribute to more responsible water usage.

Inadequate Hot Water Supply

Insufficient or inconsistent hot water supply can be a major inconvenience in commercial buildings, especially in settings that rely heavily on hot water for daily operations such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. Inadequate water heater capacity, equipment malfunction, sediment buildup, or piping issues can cause such problems. Regular maintenance of water heaters, proper sizing of equipment, and periodic flushing of tanks can help ensure a consistent and reliable hot water supply.

Efficient water management in commercial buildings is crucial for sustainable operations, cost savings, and maintaining a safe and healthy environment. By addressing common water issues such as leaks, low water pressure, contamination, waste, and inadequate hot water supply, building owners and managers can significantly reduce water-related problems. Regular maintenance, implementation of water-saving technologies, and raising awareness among occupants can pave the way towards a more sustainable and responsible use of water resources in commercial buildings.

Building Safety Essentials: Creating an Effective First Aid Kit for Emergencies

6/18/2023 (Permalink)

Having a well-stocked and properly organized first aid kit is essential for handling emergencies effectively. Whether it's a minor injury or a more serious incident, having the right supplies readily available can make a significant difference in providing immediate care. In this blog, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to create an effective first-aid kit for emergencies, ensuring that you are prepared to handle various medical situations.

Assess Your Needs

Before assembling your first aid kit, it's important to assess your specific needs. Consider the size of your household, any pre-existing medical conditions, and the activities you regularly engage in. This will help you determine the appropriate supplies to include in your kit.

Choose the Right Container

Selecting a suitable container for your first aid kit is crucial. Look for a durable, waterproof, and easy-to-carry container that can keep the contents organized and protected. Consider using a box, bag, or a designated first aid kit case.

Essential First Aid Supplies

Here are some essential items that should be included in your first aid kit:

  • Adhesive bandages of various sizes
  • Sterile gauze pads and adhesive tape
  • Antiseptic wipes or solution
  • Disposable gloves
  • Tweezers and scissors
  • Instant cold packs
  • Pain relievers (e.g., acetaminophen or ibuprofen)
  • Antihistamines for allergic reactions
  • Calamine lotion for skin irritations
  • Antiseptic ointment
  • CPR mask or face shield
  • Emergency contact information and a first-aid manual

Personalize Your Kit

Consider adding additional items based on your specific needs. This may include prescription medications, extra supplies for individuals with chronic conditions, personal protective equipment (e.g., masks, gloves), or any other items recommended by your healthcare provider.

Check and Restock Regularly

Maintaining a well-stocked first aid kit is crucial. Regularly check the expiration dates of medications and replace any expired or depleted supplies. Additionally, periodically review the contents of your kit to ensure it aligns with your current needs.

Knowledge and Training

Having the right supplies is essential, but it's equally important to have the knowledge and training to use them effectively. Consider enrolling in a first aid and CPR course to gain the necessary skills to handle emergencies confidently.

Creating an effective first aid kit is a proactive step towards preparedness in case of emergencies. By assessing your needs, selecting the right supplies, and regularly restocking and maintaining your kit, you can ensure that you are ready to provide immediate care when it matters most. Remember, in addition to having a well-equipped first aid kit, it's crucial to seek professional medical help for serious injuries or emergencies. Stay prepared, stay informed, and prioritize safety for you and your loved ones.

The contents of a first aid kit may vary depending on personal needs and specific requirements. It is advisable to consult with healthcare professionals or organizations such as the American Red Cross for further guidance on creating an effective first aid kit for your specific situation.

When Mold Strikes: Understanding the Effects of Mold Damage on Paintings

5/8/2023 (Permalink)

Mold can be a serious problem for any type of artwork, including paintings. When mold grows on a painting, it can cause discoloration, deterioration of the canvas or paper, and even permanent damage to the artwork. In this blog, we'll explore what happens to a mold-damaged painting and what steps can be taken to restore it.

Why does mold grow?

First, it's important to understand how mold grows on a painting. Mold spores are always present in the air, and they need moisture to grow. Paintings can be particularly vulnerable to mold growth if they are stored in damp or humid environments, or if they are exposed to water or moisture.

Variety of Damage

When mold grows on a painting, it can cause a variety of damage. The mold can cause discoloration, which may appear as black or brown spots on the surface of the painting. This discoloration can be difficult or impossible to remove, depending on the severity of the damage. Additionally, the mold can weaken the canvas or paper on which the painting is created, causing it to deteriorate over time. In extreme cases, the mold can eat away at the paint itself, causing permanent damage to the artwork.

What can be done?

So what can be done if a painting is damaged by mold? The first step is to remove the mold as quickly as possible. This can be done by carefully wiping the surface of the painting with a soft, dry cloth. It's important to wear gloves and a mask during this process to protect yourself from exposure to the mold spores.

Use a Professional

If the mold damage is extensive, it may be necessary to take the painting to a professional art restorer. A professional restorer will be able to assess the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action for restoring the painting. This may involve cleaning the painting, repairing any damage to the canvas or paper, and repainting any areas that have been damaged by the mold.

Preventing mold 

Prevention is the best course of action when it comes to protecting paintings from mold damage. Paintings should be stored in a cool, dry environment, away from sources of moisture. If a painting does become exposed to water or moisture, it should be dried as quickly as possible to prevent mold growth.

In conclusion, mold can cause serious damage to a painting, including discoloration, deterioration, and permanent damage to the artwork. If you suspect that a painting has been damaged by mold, it's important to act quickly to remove the mold and prevent further damage. If the damage is extensive, it may be necessary to take the painting to a professional restorer for repair. With proper care and maintenance, however, paintings can be protected from mold damage and preserved for generations to come.

Fire Insurance for Buildings: Is it a Necessity or a Luxury?

4/20/2023 (Permalink)

Owning a building, whether it's a residential or commercial property, is a significant investment. Protecting that investment should be a top priority. One of the ways to protect your property is through fire insurance. But do you really need it? Let's explore this question in more detail.

Firstly, it's important to understand what fire insurance is. Fire insurance is a type of property insurance that covers the damages caused by fire. It usually covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding the property, as well as replacing damaged or destroyed belongings. Fire insurance policies can also include coverage for smoke and water damage caused by the fire.

Now, let's get back to the question at hand: do you need fire insurance for your building? The answer depends on a few factors.

First and foremost, it's important to consider the value of your property. If you own a high-value property, it's highly recommended to have fire insurance in place. The cost of repairing or rebuilding a high-value property after a fire can be astronomical, and having insurance can help cover those costs.

Next, consider the location of your property. If you live in an area with a high risk of wildfires or other fire hazards, having fire insurance is crucial. Even if your property is not directly in the path of a fire, it could still be at risk of damage from smoke or water.

Another factor to consider is the age and condition of your building. If your property is old or in poor condition, it may be more susceptible to fires. In this case, having fire insurance can provide peace of mind and protect your investment.

Finally, consider your financial situation. If you have the financial means to cover the cost of repairing or rebuilding your property in the event of a fire, you may not need fire insurance. However, most people don't have the financial resources to cover such costs, which is why fire insurance is a wise investment.

In conclusion, whether or not you need fire insurance for your building depends on a variety of factors. If you own a high-value property, live in an area with a high risk of fires, have an old or poorly maintained building, or lack the financial means to cover the cost of repairs, fire insurance is highly recommended. It's always better to be safe than sorry, and having insurance in place can provide peace of mind and protect your investment in the long run.

Remember, fire insurance is just one aspect of protecting your property. It's also important to have a comprehensive insurance policy that covers other types of damage, such as water damage, theft, and natural disasters. By taking steps to protect your property, you can ensure that it remains a valuable asset for years to come.

Water Issues are common in Commercial Buildings.

3/10/2023 (Permalink)

The most common causes of water damage in a commercial building are leaks, flooding and condensation. Leaks can occur in a building's plumbing system or through appliances like air conditioning units. Flooding occurs when water from sources like storm surges or roof leaks enters the premises. Condensation also causes costly damage as it forms when indoor temperatures are too high to allow stagnant water vapor to escape through the ventilation system. To avoid these issues, you should closely monitor your building for signs of moisture damage and take immediate action if something occurs that could cause extensive damage.

Water damage is one of the most expensive types of losses in commercial buildings.

Water damage is one of the most expensive types of losses in commercial buildings. Water damage can cause mold and mildew, and other secondary damages. If water enters electrical equipment, it may cause an electrical shock or fire that damages equipment and leads to downtime for your business operations until repairs are made.

If there's enough water present on a surface long enough, it will begin seeping into cracks in floors, walls and ceilings causing structural damage over time and can be very costly.

The most common causes of water loss.

When it comes to leaks, they can be caused by several different factors including aged fixtures and pipes, poor installation practices or damage from freezing temperatures. Leaks are often undetected until they cause major damage to the building or its contents. It's important to have regular checks done at least once a year by an experienced plumber who can identify any potential issues before they become a problem.

Flooding occurs when water from a source such as a storm surge or roof leak enters into your building through doors or windows that aren't sealed properly or have been left open during inclement weather. If you notice any signs of flooding after these types of events occur in your area then it could mean there's been serious structural damage done somewhere within your structure, which needs immediate attention before more serious issues arise down the road.

Condensation is common.

Condensation is a common problem in commercial buildings. Condensation forms when indoor temperatures are too high to allow stagnant water vapor to escape through the building's ventilation system, which causes water droplets to form on surfaces such as windows and walls. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including temperature and humidity levels, as well as how well your building is ventilated.

In addition to being unsightly, condensation can lead to mold growth and secondary damages. Condensation can also cause structural damage if left untreated, this happens when moisture seeps into wood or other materials over time and causes them rot away from within.

Water damage can be costly.

Water damage can be costly. Act quickly upon noticing the damage to quickly prevent future problems. If you have any questions about how to prevent water issues in your commercial building, contact SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania for your commercial water damage. Our technicians are available 24/7 and upon arrival begin the restoration process to get your doors back open as soon as possible.

Is your Dishwasher Leaking?

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

It's no fun to come home from work to find a damp mess on your kitchen floor. If you've been noticing water underneath or around your dishwasher, it's possible that you have a leak.

Why is My Dishwasher Leaking?

A number of factors can lead to water spilling out of the bottom, including clogged drains, damaged hoses and faulty door seals. A leaking door seal or faulty latch on the door are other possible causes for leakage. The most common reason for leakage is a clogged drain which carries water into the dishwasher and out through its bottom during operation.

What Causes a Dishwasher to Leak?

The first step to fixing a leaky dishwasher is determining the cause of the leak. There are many reasons why a dishwasher could leak. The installation process is crucial. If the  dishwasher isn't level or installed properly, it can cause the machine to malfunction and cause a water loss.

The drain line for your sink and air gap for your plumbing may not be installed correctly, causing water to back up into your dishwasher and leak out onto your floor.

Clean the Dishwasher Drain

If your dishwasher is leaking, the first thing to do is check for a clog in the drain hose. This is usually done by removing the hose from where it connects to the sink, turning on hot water with soap and letting it run until there's no more suds coming down. If this doesn't work, use a snake or wire hanger to clear any blockages from inside of the drain itself (you may need to do this with hot water running). If that still doesn't help, try using a small brush or sponge to clean out any debris stuck in your drain hose and make sure that it isn't damaged. Keeping the dishwasher drain clean can help prevent future water damage.

Simple Repairs

If you are experiencing a leak, it's best to troubleshoot the issue before calling a technician. You can save time and money by performing some simple repairs yourself.

To begin your troubleshooting process, check for any obvious problems:

  • Check if there is anything blocking or restricting the flow of water in your dishwasher. Make sure all drains are cleaned out and free from any debris that may have accumulated around the pump seal or drain hose connections under the sink.
  • Make sure that all hoses are fastened securely so that they don’t rub against each other when pushing in downspouts. Also look for any missing or loose gaskets on connection points like pumps and hoses where they connect together with rubber washers or clamps

There are many reasons a dishwasher can leak, from faulty installation to poor maintenance. If you’re experiencing a leak in your dishwasher, don’t panic! Just remember to start by checking for signs of water damage and then try these simple troubleshooting tips to repair the problem before it gets worse.

The Top 3 Areas of Your Home to Check for Mold Growth on a Regular Basis

1/9/2023 (Permalink)

Wall inside a home covered with black spots The best way to control mold is to control moisture.

Regular Basis

When it comes to mold remediation, you can’t afford to wait and see if your home is affected. That’s why it's important to be proactive and regularly check for mold growth. Having a professional do this job for you is even better because they have the training and experience necessary to find any signs of mold in their earliest stages of growth. The sooner you catch a problem, the easier it will be to get rid of it — and prevent further damage down the road.

1. The Areas Around Windows

Windows are a common area for mold growth. The corners of window frames are prime locations for mold, as the wood is more likely to be damp and therefore more susceptible to mold growth. Mold can also grow on the seals that fit around your windows, as well as on any screens you may have installed in your home. Even if you don't have these types of covering on your windows, there are still ways that mold could be sneaking into your house! If you live near water (such as being close to a bay or ocean), then it's possible that moisture from outside air creeps into areas where it's not supposed to go through small holes in walls or floors.

2. The Kitchen

The kitchen is the second most common place for mold to grow in your Waynesville, NC home. The moisture from cooking as well as any leaks or improper ventilation can make this an ideal breeding ground for mold spores.

Foods with a high water content are particularly prone to attracting mold, such as fruits and vegetables, cheese, breads, and pastries. If left out too long or stored improperly in the refrigerator, these foods can become a feast for growing fungi.

Mold also loves to grow on walls due to their porous nature and large surface area that can easily collect moisture from condensation of heaters or appliances such as refrigerators/freezers; dishwashers; heating units (furnace/boilers); showers/bathtubs; sinks; faucets.

3. The Bathroom

The third area of your home to check for mold growth on a regular basis is the bathroom. Why? Because bathrooms tend to be humid, damp areas that are ideal for mold growth. The combination of warm temperatures and moisture makes this room particularly susceptible to molds and mildew.

Mold can grow in places like grout between tiles, as well as on their surface. Another common place for mold is behind sinks and toilets because it's an enclosed space that traps moisture inside.

How To Prevent Mold Growth

  • Keep humidity levels low
  • Keep the area clean and dry
  • Use a dehumidifier
  • Use air purifiers
  • Use fans to circulate air

Call SERVPRO for Mold Remediation Services

If you have mold in your home, SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania is here to help. We are a full-service restoration company that provides 24/7 emergency service, and we can respond within an hour of receiving your call.

SERVPRO has the experience and training necessary to properly clean up your property after a mold infestation. Our certified technicians have been trained to remove mold safely and efficiently so that your home will be restored as quickly as possible.

Call 828-452 -2111 today for more information about how our team can help you with any mold removal needs that you may have at home or work!

Mold can be a serious problem, but it doesn't have to be. You can make sure your home is free of mold by using the tips above and being proactive about monitoring areas that are more susceptible to it.

How Long Does the Water Damage Restoration Process Take?

12/16/2022 (Permalink)

water extraction equipment placed inside a home SERVPRO of Haywood and Transylvania Counties have all the equipment needed to help you after water damage.

Steps In the Water Clean Up and Repair Process

Water damage is a serious issue that you don’t want to take lightly. Water can cause a variety of issues, including mold growth, structural damage and more. It’s important to hire a professional water damage restoration company who can help you assess the extent of the damage as quickly as possible and then take steps to rectify it. At SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania, we provide 24/7 emergency services for all types of residential and commercial water damage situations.

Step 1: Assess the damage

The first step of water damage restoration is to assess the damage. Before your restoration company can begin treatment and repair, they need to know what kind of damage has occurred and how severe it is. It's important to note that this process will be different depending on what caused the water problem in your home or business.

Water damage can be caused by many things, including:

  • A burst pipe
  • A broken dishwasher hoses
  • Faulty sump pump maintenance
  • Heavy rains or flooding due to natural disasters like hurricanes or tornadoes

Step 2: Containment and extraction

Containment and extraction are the two most important steps in the water damage restoration process. After you call us, we will come out to your home or office and start the containment process immediately. The goal of containment is to prevent further damage from occurring by creating a barrier between the wet area and any dry areas nearby that could be affected by water damage.

Containment can be done in a few different ways: using tarps or other waterproof materials, moving furniture away from walls and repairing broken windows or doors so that moisture does not continue to enter an area it shouldn't (like through cracks around windows). If there is standing water present after these actions have been taken, then we will also place absorbent pads underneath rugs/carpets where they rest on subfloors/panels so they do not become saturated as well (this can lead to mold growth if left untreated). Once all these things have been completed then we begin extracting excess moisture with specialized equipment designed specifically for this purpose!

Step 3: Drying and dehumidification

Drying and dehumidification are two separate processes that can be done simultaneously. Drying refers to the process of removing water from the structure, while dehumidification is the lowering of humidity in your home or building. The purpose of this step is to prevent mold growth.

Step 4: Cleaning and sanitizing

After water damage has been removed, your next step is to clean and sanitize the affected area.

Cleaning usually involves using a mild detergent (such as dish soap) and water to remove any remaining residue from a cleaning solution. In many cases, simply wiping down an affected area with warm running water will be enough to clean most surfaces.

Sanitizing is more involved than simply cleaning because of the pathogens still present in your Dellwood, NC home after cleanup efforts begin. The purpose of sanitizing in this stage of restoration is primarily disinfection: killing off bacteria and other microorganisms that may be living on your walls or floors after flood damage has been removed. 

Step 5: Restoration

Once the water damage has been removed, it's time to start the restoration process. Restoration can be done by a professional contractor or by the homeowner with the help of a professional. Restoration can be done to the interior or exterior of a structure, such as flooring and walls, or it can be done on smaller items like furniture and electronics — even jewelry!

If you're looking for a way to save money and get your restoration completed quickly, hiring a professional is always recommended because they have experience in working with all types of water-damaged properties. If you want to do all your own work but still want help from someone who knows how long this process takes on average (and why), consider contacting us today!

The time it takes for water damage repair depends on a variety of factors.

To get an idea of how long it will take to restore your home after a water damage event, consider the following factors.

  • The size of the area affected. If you have only a small amount of water damage in your house, then the process should be straightforward and take a minimal amount of time to complete. However, if there is more extensive damage throughout most or all parts of your home, then this may require more time and resources to repair (and thus cost more).
  • The extent of the damage. Water can cause significant destruction when it seeps into walls or floors—even if there isn't much visible evidence initially.
  • Type material damaged by water contact: For example: wood floors are sensitive because they absorb moisture easily – so less dampness means less wear-and-tear over time – whereas vinyl floors tend not suffer much at all.

The time it takes for water damage repair depends on a variety of factors. The amount of water that was spilled, the amount of damage to your property and how quickly you act will all impact how long the restoration process will take. If there is significant damage or if you wait too long before calling in professionals, then this could lead to more extensive repairs down the road.

When I Take a Shower the Toilet Overflows?

11/1/2022 (Permalink)

When I Take a Shower, the Toilet Overflows… What Should I Do?

“My toilet overflows when I take a shower. What do I do?” It sounds like your pipes are getting backed up due to the extra water pressure in the system. Luckily, there are some easy ways to fix this problem, so you don't have to worry about expensive plumbers or sewage overflows.

Sewage Overflows

A sewage overflow is a situation in which the amount of water and waste that your pipes can handle is more than they can handle. That’s why they overflow.

It happens when there isn't enough room or time for all the wastewater to leave your home through your plumbing system. You may notice this if you see water coming out of floor drains or toilet, especially during heavy rainstorms. It's important to note that household plumbing systems are not designed to store wastewater; rather, they're intended to move it away from your home as quickly as possible before it causes damage—which means that any blockage will lead to an overflow condition somewhere along the line.

Tips for preventing toilet and clogged pipe overflows

You may have tried a few of these tips before and they didn't work, but I'm going to show you how they can help you prevent toilet and clogged pipe overflows.

  • Don't flush anything but toilet paper and human waste. No matter how hard it is to believe that something else will go down the drain, don't do it! This includes hair, wet wipes, paper towels or rags, and all other kinds of debris. 
  • Don't pour grease or oil down the drain either; fats only clog things up faster than needed so don't make matters worse by pouring them into your drains too!

Know where your main shut off valve is and how to turn it off.

If you have a shower or bathtub, you have an overflow drain and a shut off valve. You also have an emergency shutoff valve in case of flooding. This is the one that’s going to save your bathroom from disaster if something gets clogged up in the pipes or if there’s a leak.

The main shut off valve is located close to where the water lines come up through the floor and into your house. The emergency shutoff valve is usually located near where they exit out of your house again. If you can't find them, ask someone who knows their way around plumbing (a plumber), or call a licensed professional who can help locate them for you.

Do not flush chemical products such as baby wipes, paper towels and feminine products into the pipe.

It is important to know that baby wipes, paper towels and feminine products are not safe to flush down the toilet. These items can clog the pipes of your home’s sewage system and cause a serious sewage overflow. Furthermore, they can cause other problems in your home.

You should never flush these items down the toilet.

If your toilet is overflowing, it can be a very distressing situation. You need to know where your main shut off valve is and how to turn it off. If you have not been prepared ahead of time, then there may be some damage done by the time you get there. It is important that you know where this shut off valve is before an overflow occurs so that you can quickly deal with any problems in your home.

How Do I Prepare My Company for a Fire?

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Reducing the Impact and Harm Caused by a Fire

Fire can be a devastating event for any business, but it's far less catastrophic if you're prepared. Here's a checklist of steps you can take to:

Designate a person to be responsible for fire safety.

It's important to have a designated person in charge of fire safety. This can be a manager or someone else on staff, but they need to oversee making sure that all required safety measures are being followed and that the building is kept up to date with any new regulations that may be put into place.

The responsibilities for this person include:

  • Making sure that all employees are aware of their role in keeping the building safe from fire hazards
  • Ensuring that all workers know how to properly extinguish small fires using a fire extinguisher, sand, or other non-combustible materials (if possible)
  • Inspecting the premises every month for any signs of fire hazards

Conduct a walk-through of your workplace to identify potential fire hazards.

Conduct a walk-through of your workplace to identify potential fire hazards. Identify where a fire could start and consider where it might spread in your workplace. Think about what would be damaged in a fire, and what steps you'd take if there was one.

If you have an office building, think about the following:

  • Electrical outlets (especially near flammable materials like paper)
  • Heating systems (like furnaces or vents), which can cause fires if they aren't working properly
  • Chemical storage areas (such as cleaning supplies or deodorizers)

Train employees on their responsibilities in the event of a fire.

The first step in preparing your company for a fire is to train employees on their responsibilities in the event of a fire. To help you do this, it's important to first understand that it's not enough to simply tell your employees what they should do if there's a fire; they need to know what their role is and how they can successfully carry out that role. This can be hard if you're not sure exactly what the roles are or where employees might look for them! So, we've outlined some basic steps below:

  • Train your employees on how to safely evacuate from the building during an emergency.
  • Train them on which exit routes (exit doors) lead directly outside, so that in case of an emergency evacuation every employee knows which exit door they should always use.
  • Show all your staff members where the nearest fire extinguisher is located, as well as how best time should be used when using one (e.g., don't waste too much time trying one extinguisher when another one might work better).

Develop an evacuation plan and practice it.

Develop an evacuation plan and practice it. Ideally, your company will have a contingency plan in the event of a fire or other disaster. If you don’t have one, develop one now. Your best bet is to keep it simple: get everyone together and discuss how to leave the building safely, where everyone is going after they evacuate (a local restaurant that has wireless internet), who will contact emergency services, who will call your insurance company. The more organized and accessible this information is—the easier it is for employees to reference during a crisis—the better off you are when something happens.

Know what to do in case of a fire with this checklist.

  • Know your exit routes.
  • Know where your safe location is.
  • Know where your fire extinguishers are located.
  • Know the location of your fire alarm and how to use it.
  • Be familiar with using a fire extinguisher in case one breaks out before you can get out of the building safely.
  • Be able to call 911 in case you need help evacuating from the building.

Hopefully, you’ll never have to use these tips. But if you do, it’s important to have a plan in place. You can prepare your company for a fire by designating a person responsible for fire safety, conducting regular walk-throughs of the workplace to identify potential fire hazards, training employees on their responsibilities in an emergency and developing an evacuation plan with practice drills.

Positioning Your Fire Alarms

8/12/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Detection System

Your home in Hazelwood, NC, may not be adequately covered by your current fire detection system. Read on to learn about proper fire alarm distribution and other fire safety tips.

1. Rooms and Halls

Because a home fire can begin in any room, the denser your smoke detector coverage, the better. Home inspections standards suggest at least one detector per bedroom. This is especially important for the safety of the occupants, since many fires occur during the night when residents may be sleeping and unaware that there is a problem. Every floor of the home should have at least one detector even if there are no sleeping areas, since this will speed up emergency response and reduce the total amount of fire damage.

2. Working Order

Remember to test each fire alarm in the house every few months. Most models will have a small button that sounds the warning, allowing you to make sure that the speakers are still functional. Depending on the type of detector, a low battery may cause it to blink or make infrequent, short beeps. Some detectors may also require complete replacement after a roughly ten year lifespan has elapsed. If you notice either of these indicators, replace the relevant part as soon as possible. Most batteries and detectors can be obtained for under $20 at your local hardware store.

3. Photoelectric Alarms

A photoelectric fire detection system can provide a little extra warning time to prevent your home from incurring unnecessary smoke damage. These detectors have an internal beam of light whose intensity is changed when smoke scatters the rays. This allows the detector to trigger when smoldering or smoky fires are just beginning, before the home fire becomes a total conflagration.

Remember that no fire alarm is a substitute for adequate fire safety and a solid escape plan. Retain contact information for a professional residential fire restoration service and do not attempt to enter a property that has burned recently.

How To Treat a Burn

7/28/2022 (Permalink)

How to Care for a Burn

If you experience a fire at your business in Dellwood, NC, it is important that you know what to do next. After first aid has been administered, you should call a fire cleanup and restoration service to repaid the fire damage.
Before administering any burn first aid, you will need to know the severity of the injury.

Minor Burns

  • Small area
  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Blistering

Major Burns

  • Large area
  • Deep
  • Changes in skin texture
  • Discoloration

Treating Minor Burns
Minor burns will not require emergency care and can be treated with first aid. You will want to cool the area with cool running water or compresses until pain subsides. Next, you will want to remove anything restrictive, such as jewelry, from the area, in case the burn swells. After the area is cool and unobstructed, you may want to apply soothing creams and bandages to reduce pain and protect the injury.
Infections can be avoided by applying antibiotic ointments and leaving blisters in tact. If you notice any signs of infection, you may want to seek medical attention.

Treating Major Burns
If someone experiences a major burn, you should call for emergency assistance immediately. You will then want to remove the source of the burn, if possible, and check their vitals before attending to the injury. If the person is breathing and does not have more severe injuries that must be treated first, you should then remove anything restrictive in case the area swells. Gently cover the burn with a cool cloth to protect it and remove heat. The burn should not be submerged or placed under running water, as that could cause further injury. Try to elevate the injured body part and closely monitor the person until help arrives.

Next Steps
After injuries have been tended to, you should assess the building's fire damage. Photograph the damage and list everything that was lost to make filing an insurance claim easier. You may then call a restoration service to come repair the damage.
Knowing how to administer burn first aid and who to call for restoration assistance will help you minimize injuries and losses due to fire damage.

3 Reasons You Need Business Insurance

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

Here Are A Few Reasons You Need a Solid Business Owners Policy

There are many monthly expenses that you should include in your budget. Good business insurance is one of them. Water damage in your commercial building in Cherokee, NC, can be very expensive to repair. If you have the right coverage, however, it doesn't have to be devastating. Here are a few reasons you need a solid business owner's policy.

1. Protect Your Investment

You invest a lot of time and money into your commercial property. It just makes sense to have the insurance coverage you need to take care of it. Broken pipes and leaks can cause a lot of damage. By insuring your building, you can be assured that you have the resources to get the mitigation you need.

2. Save Money

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you won't have to worry about water damage in your building. After all, if you conduct frequent inspections and keep up with maintenance, you can avoid most problems. You can't predict emergency issues, though. While a monthly premium may seem expensive, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the potential cost of repairs if a large disaster strikes.

3. Avoid Lengthy Interruptions

Having a good insurance policy to fall back on can help expedite the repair process. When you call your insurance company to report a problem, a representative can probably suggest reputable water cleanup professionals in your area. The technicians and your adjuster can work together to make sure your building is restored as soon as possible. The less time you have to spend waiting on repairs, the sooner you can get back to business as usual.
No matter how well you care for your building, water damage from a leak or busted pipe can happen. When it does, you'll be glad you have a good business insurance policy to cover the cost of restoration

What Causes Sewers To Back Up After a Storm?

7/12/2022 (Permalink)

What Leads To Sewer Backups Following a Storm?

Storms can cause sewers to back up and send black water into structures through drain pipes. There are two main causes of a sewer backup that commercial property owners should consider when planning for possible sources of water damage. Understanding this information can help to prevent backups from occurring during storms.

1. Sanitary main blockage: A blocked sanitary main may lead to backups in commercial properties. This process tends to happen relatively slowly, but you should contact a plumber and utility service to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

2. Sewer lateral blockage: A property owner is responsible for maintaining the pipeline that connects his or her building to the sanitary sewer main. Tree roots may penetrate old lines and cause cracks that allow rainwater to seep into the system and cause backups. This blockage may also be caused by the disposal of unsuitable substances or items.

There are several ways to prevent sewer backup from occurring during a storm. Property owners should consider taking these three preventative steps to reduce the likelihood of this source of water damage:

1. Replace the lateral line with a plastic pipe. This can prevent tree roots from entering the line.

2. Properly dispose of grease or paper products. Proper disposal practices can go a long way toward preventing clogs and backups at any time.

3. Install a backwater prevention valve. This valve can be installed on a drain or sewer line to prevent backflow, and it should be regularly maintained.

Sewer backup is not covered by many standard business insurance policies. Additional coverage is necessary to account for potential sewage loss. You may want to factor in whether one or more of these preventative steps or the cost of an additional insurance rider is more cost-effective for your business. If a backup situation does occur due to a storm in Maggie Valley, NC contact a commercial restoration service that specializes in black water damage.

3 Ways To Limit Damage From a Sewage Backup

6/25/2022 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Stop Flooding From Main line Backup

A sewer backup can contaminate building materials and contents with Category Three black water containing solid waste. It may be possible to reduce the extent of mitigation and restoration by taking measures to limit the spread of damage. Here are three ways to stop flooding from spreading from a bathtub backup, flooded toilet, or main line backup that affects basement floor drains or a sewer trap.

1. Stop the Spread of Contaminated Water

Homeowners may want to try to prevent contaminated water from making contact with carpet, drywall or other porous contents. Any materials that are exposed to this type of damage must be disinfected. As it is difficult to thoroughly clean porous materials, it may be necessary to tear out and replace these items to reduce the risk of bacteria or mold growth.

2. Block a Tub Drain

It may be possible to prevent a bathtub backup by blocking a tub drain. This measure may help to make cleanup less extensive. Be sure to plug drains before attempting to clear clogs with a plunger or auger.

3. Clear the Blockage As Soon As Possible

A homeowner should find a way to stop a sewer backup as soon as possible. If DIY efforts to snake a toilet, floor drain, or drain cleanout are not successful, he or she should contact a plumber for blockages that seem to originate at a property. Get in touch with a sewage company for flooding that originates from a municipal main. The sooner the problem is solved, the lower the risk of further damage.

These measures may reduce the severity of residential sewer damage. Homeowners can attempt to clear secondary line blockages and clean up minor damage on their own. A main line sewer backup that results in major damage may require the expertise and equipment of a plumber or sewage company and restoration specialists in Bryson City, NC.

3 Reasons Businesses and Insurance Agents Love SERVPRO

6/14/2022 (Permalink)

Company gate damaged by a storm SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania Counties can restore your business back to pre-storm condition.

Three Reasons Businesses and Insurance Agents Love SERVPRO

Commercial property owners need restoration services after a storm, and they rely on their insurance companies for help. For most insurance companies, SERVPRO is the preferred provider of storm restoration services in Brevard, NC. Here are three reasons businesses and insurance agents love SERVPRO

1. National Network
SERVPRO leverages its presence in the United States and Canada to coordinate flood damage cleanup services. SERVPRO employs its Customer Care Center, a national call center, to dispatch restoration requests to its local franchises. And with its network of over 1900 franchises, SERVPRO can mobilize its Disaster Recovery Teams and set up local command centers to help wherever and whenever needed.

2. Storm Response
Due to its national network, SERVPRO’S response time is unrivaled. SERVPRO’S Disaster Recovery Teams address storm damage quickly so that businesses can get back to serving their customers with as little downtime as possible. SERVPRO also offers an Emergency Ready Plan that enables companies to create disaster recovery plans ahead of time. Then, when extreme weather occurs, SERVPRO can arrive on the scene with much of the paperwork already taken care of so they can clean up and restore the property.

3. Claim and Restoration Services
SERVPRO brings insurance agents and storm restoration specialists together with their National Accounts Division. This team processes claims accurately and restores damaged property promptly. Towards this end, SERVPRO'S highly trained professionals photograph damaged valuable goods and conduct an inventory of all destroyed possessions. With everything accounted for, SERVPRO and insurance agents can work together to decide which items to repair and which to replace.
SERVPRO has earned its stellar reputation. With its national network of disaster recovery professionals ready to help 24 hours a day, it is no surprise that insurance companies and businesses depend on SERVPRO for storm restoration services in Brevard, NC.

4 Steps to Recover from Wind and Hail Damage

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

Four Steps To Take After a Storm

The roof of your Waynesville, NC, home is vital for protecting everything underneath it. When hail and high winds blow through, it may mean a roof repair is needed. The longer you wait to deal with the wind damage, the more chances of the damage spreading. To avoid that, below are four steps to take after the storm passes.

1. Assess the Damage
Understanding the extent of damage provides a guideline for how the following steps will unfold. Complete an assessment of the damage to the best of your ability, ensuring safety always comes first. Signs of immediate trouble include missing shingles, cracked fascia, standing water in the attic, and crooked chimneys.

2. File a Claim
Once you have an idea of what you are dealing with, it’s time to call your insurance provider. Keep in mind that it may take time for the adjuster to come to your home. While you wait, document all the damage to help speed up the process.

3. Conduct Roof Damage Remediation
An essential component of weathering the storm is to make any temporary roof repair that will mitigate secondary damage, such as mold growth, from forming. This may be as simple as tarping up a hole or area in the attic with visible signs of water damage. A vital component of this step is starting the water extraction and drying processes.

Call in the Professionals
Another step to take while waiting is to call a company that is certified to complete mold, storm and water damage restoration repairs. A trusted professional will complete an assessment of the damage within 48 hours and work with your insurer to ensure that all repairs are handled quickly and the right way.
The weather has a way of wreaking havoc on homes. If the latest storm requires a roof repair, the above steps make it easier to get back the protection your home needs.

3 Steps for Making a Fire Insurance Claim

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

Making a Fire Insurance Claim in 3 Easy Steps

After a fire damages your Dunns Rock, NC, home and the fire trucks leave, you are likely left-facing smoke damage, charred building materials and lost possessions. While this can seem overwhelming, gathering details to make a fire insurance claim can put you on the path to rebuilding your home, from calling in a fire restoration company to replacing lost items.

1. Contact Your Representative
Once the fire is out, the first step to take is to contact your local insurance representative and let him or her know what happened. Note when the fire broke out, how many stories of your home suffered damage and the overall severity of the fire. If your home is safe to enter, you may also want to take photos to send to your representative before any fire restoration efforts take place.

2. Compile a List of Damages
You may be able to streamline your claim by making a comprehensive list of damages and whether they can be restored. For example, if some of your damaged furniture can undergo smoke cleaning, the cost of the restoration may be less than the cost of replacing that item. Try to photograph as many objects as possible and provide your representative with copies of purchase receipts for expensive items, such as electronics.

3. Meet With an Insurance Adjuster
Your insurance company will likely send out an adjuster who will survey your home’s damage, collect documentation and let you know whether the cost of a fire restoration service is covered under your insurance policy. You can prepare for this meeting by having a catalog of losses and photos ready to submit and by making a list of services you might need to begin the restoration and rebuilding process.
Facing the aftermath of a fire at your Dunns Rock, NC, home can make you feel helpless. Knowing how to proceed with an insurance claim may help you feel more confident about facing the future and repairing your property.

Protecting Your Business With Income Coverage

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

Hole on roof, burned insulation hanging from roof, walls damaged by fire. Severe fire damage to a property Restoring your property after a fire.

Why You Need Interruption Insurance

Responsible property owners carry property insurance. If you ever experience a fire in your building in Clyde, NC, your policy generally covers your expenses associated with repair, replacement, and reconstruction. With an insurance plan that covers physical damage to your property and its contents, you might think you’ve covered all your bases. How about the temporary loss of income? Here’s why you need interruption insurance as part of a comprehensive plan.

Understanding Business Interruption Coverage
Also known as business income insurance, this policy covers the loss of income you may experience following a fire or other disaster. This income loss may be due to the closing of your facility as a direct result of the fire or reconstruction during the fire restoration process. Interruption insurance is designed to cover the profits that you would’ve earned if you hadn’t incurred the loss that interrupted your business. A typical policy covers the following:

Profits: Usually based on previous monthly financial statements
Fixed costs: Operating expenses and costs that are still incurred
Temporary relocation: Covers costs of temporarily relocating to, and operating at another location
Commission and training: Costs associated with training workers to operate equipment replacements
Additional expenses: Other reasonable costs necessary for a business to continue operations during restoration
Civil authority ingress and egress: Government-mandated closures that result in loss of revenue, such as curfews

Your insurer determines the time period covered, usually from the date of disaster to the date that your property is restored to pre-disaster conditions.

Considering Your Options
Interruption insurance policies can be purchased either as standalone plans or part of a comprehensive package of a business owner’s policy. Some companies purchase a contingent policy that provides coverage if suppliers and customers experience damage that interferes with doing business. Think carefully about your specific needs as a commercial property owner.
Having a fire disaster plan is more than just property insurance and knowing which professional restoration services company to call. It’s also about having coverage that includes the loss of revenue or income after a disaster. This coverage protects your business, including customers, workers, and partners.

3 ways To Prevent Water Damage From a Broken Pipe

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

Why Pipes Break and How To Avoid The Damage

Every homeowner in Retreat, NC, shares a common nightmare: having water in home walls and on floors due to broken pipes. Consider the three main reasons why pipes break and how to avoid the damage those breaks can cause.

1. Earth Shifting Can Lead to a Broken Pipe

Earthquakes can happen almost anywhere in the U.S. The seismic forces generated by the movement of the earth can easily break buried pipes and leave water in home spaces. Living in an area near an active fault line requires having a professional inspect your plumbing regularly to avoid an expensive pipe cleanup job. Additionally, nearby construction can cause shifting underground, which can lead to damaged pipes. Asking the construction crew to be wary of your pipes may help to minimize problems and avoid water damage repair.

2. Water Pressure Increasing Can Cause Bursts

Water pressure above 80 psi causes product warranties to be voided and insurance companies to cease covering damages. The closer you are to the water source, like a water tower or pumping station, the higher the pressure. Also, the pressure is highest at midday when everyone is at work. Installing a pressure relief valve is one good way to avoid this problem and properly regulate the water pressure in your home.

3. Temperatures Dropping Can Freeze Pipes

Freezing temperatures occur in many parts of the country, but especially in Retreat, NC. Fortunately, proper insulation can ensure freezing does not cause your pipes to break and pump water into home walls and throughout the rooms. Be sure to cover all outside valves with a fitted insulation cap and use pipe insulation or a blanket and straw for any exposed pipes, such as a sump pump discharge.
There are many reasons why your pipes might break, but with a little forethought, you can reduce the chances of having to deal with every homeowner's worst nightmare.

How To Maintain Your Commercial Roof

4/22/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial Roof Maintenance

It is easy to ignore the roof of your commercial building. After all, you do not typically look at the roof during a given workday. You probably focus your maintenance and repairs on the walls and floors that you can easily examine. Yet your roof needs plenty of attention, as well. A roof leak during a storm could be disastrous for your Hazelwood, NC, business.
With regular upkeep of your roof, you can reduce the risk of flooding during a severe weather event. This, in turn, should limit your need for emergency restoration services. Here are some tips for maintaining your commercial roof.

1. Keep It Clean

A worn-down or dirty roof is more likely to fail during a storm. To make sure your roof is strong enough to withstand rain, snow and wind, you should remove any debris immediately. A buildup of leaves and other items could cause the growth of algae and mold that weakens the roof.
Keeping the drains and gutters clear is also important. A clog in either of these areas can cause a roof leak.

2. Trim Trees

Storms do not just bring rain and snow. Wind damage is also quite common. If trees are too close to your building, branches could blow off those trees and onto the roof. You should thus have the trees pruned regularly. This should also prevent nuts and leaves from falling into the gutters.

3. Get an Inspection

A professional contractor will notice potential trouble spots on your roof that the untrained eye could miss. Have the pro inspect your roof at least twice per year. The expert should specifically look for sagging areas or cracks. He or she should also check near the eaves, vents and skylights.
Even a minor roof leak can cause a lot of harm over time. If you clean the gutters, trim nearby trees and hire an inspector, your roof should sustain minimal storm damage.

How To Remove Smoke and Soot After a Fire

4/13/2022 (Permalink)

How to Get Rid of Soot and Smoke After a Fire

After a house fire in Dellwood, NC, the lingering effects of soot and smoke damage can be difficult to fully remediate. Fortunately, there are a variety of tactics available to get fire-damaged homes back to normal.

Smoke Cleaning

There are several methods of smoke cleaning used today. Three of the most popular are the following:

  • Air scrubbing
  • Ozone generation
  • Thermal fogging

As the air circulates, an air scrubbing machine traps the odorous particulates. Ozone generation releases ozone into the home, and the ozone combines with the smoke particles to create a new particle that no longer smells like smoke. Both air scrubbing and ozone generation are effective odor removal techniques. However, some situations call for thermal fogging. If smoke odor is trapped in porous surfaces, the other techniques may not be able to fully address the problem. In a fire, the heat causes some surfaces to expand. When the fire is extinguished, the surfaces cool and contract, trapping some of the smoke particles. Thermal fogging re-heats the area, causing surfaces to expand again and allowing the odor-eliminating fog to reach the smoke particles and neutralize the odor.

Soot Cleaning

In addition to smoke damage, your home is likely to suffer soot damage after a fire. The type of soot that remains after a fire has burned depends on the nature of the fire and the makeup of the items being burned. The following are four types of soot often left behind after a residential fire:

  • Dry soot
  • Wet soot
  • Protein residue
  • Oily soot

Dry soot is generally the least troublesome and can often be removed by using a HEPA vacuum on the affected surface. Wet soot, protein residue and oily soot are all more difficult to remove. Improper cleaning techniques can lead to further damage. An experienced restoration service can determine the type of soot present in your home and choose the best cleaning method.
Soot and smoke damage can wreak havoc on your home. However, thorough and careful remediation can fully remove all soot and smoke from your fire-damaged home.

What To Do When Floodwater Gets in the Furnace

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

When Floodwater Infiltrates the Furnace, What Should You Do?

When floodwater gets into the furnace of your Cherokee, NC, property, everything the water touched must be cleaned and restored, so you can avoid further damage. One area of damage that can be easily overlooked is a furnace flood. When the flooded furnace and any affected HVAC ducts aren't professionally restored, the secondary damage could be even more of a problem than the original flooding.

Act Quickly To Avoid Further Damage

There are several steps you should take as soon as you notice water, whether it's a furnace flood or a burst pipe:

Shut off the water to your building from the main stopcock. This prevents more water from spreading throughout your building. It also reduces the risk of water and electricity combining.
Turn off the electricity. Even if a small amount of water can cause serious electrical trouble.
Move items away from the water. You may have large pieces of furniture that you can safely move to a dry location. Don't move electrical appliances; leave these items to the professionals.
Remove as much water as possible. The longer the water sits, the more damage you could experience.

When water damage and cleanup professionals arrive, they will use powerful water extraction tools and chemical cleaners that have been developed specifically to protect your flooded furnace and other appliances from further harm.

Contact Professionals for Necessary Repairs

These professionals can also complete air duct cleaning, address soggy carpets, and repair other parts of your property. If the services of a plumber are required, the cleanup technicians or your insurance provider may suggest a reputable professional in your area.
A furnace flood can cause a lot of upset and inconvenience, but with quick action and the help of professionals, you won't have to wait long for a solution. As you have the furnace and ductwork cleaned and maintained, you'll breathe much more easily in the days to follow.

3 Reasons Why Mold Keep Growing In the Same Spot

3/30/2022 (Permalink)

Three Reasons Mold Continues to Grow in the Same Place

At your office in Maggie Valley, NC, you receive a maintenance request to address some mold growth under the sink in one of the staff bathrooms. Diligently, you shut off the water to inspect the pipes, tighten a few things, test for drips, and clean up the small moldy spot. A couple of weeks later, another request comes through about the same issue. Rinse and repeat a couple more times. Finally, you overhear some employees speculating that you've probably never dealt with the problem at all because the mold is still there. What gives? Here's why mold might be growing in the same place again and again.

1. You Still Have a Leak.

Likely the main reason that the mold keeps returning isn't your lack of attention to the problem. You still have a leak. Even if you can't see it right below the sink, there is likely a problem with a pipe inside of the wall. If that's the case, water damage and moisture are spreading which create ideal conditions for mold. Contact a local mold remediation specialist to help identify the source of the leak.

2. You Are Using the Wrong Products.

People commonly believe that you can kill mold with bleach or vinegar. The reality is that while it may solve the mold growth problem at the moment, it doesn't prevent its return. That can only be solved by addressing the source of the moisture that is encouraging mold to grow in the first place.

3. You Haven't Ventilated Well.

It's important to keep high humidity areas properly ventilated. Because mold spores love a moist, warm environment, running a dehumidifier or fan to dry the area out completely helps to prevent the return of mold once you've addressed any leaks.
Mold growth will continue to occur until you address the source of the problem and follow up with prevention tips that are recommended by a professional.

Nor’easters: 5 Things You Should Know

3/24/2022 (Permalink)

5 Things to Know About Nor'easters

As a Bryson City, NC, resident and homeowner, you need to be aware of nor’easters and their potentially damaging effects in your part of the country. Here are five facts to know before you find yourself facing a nor’easter.

1. These storms are most common between September and April. Nor’easters can occur at any time of year, but you can expect them to be a bigger threat around fall and winter. The reason for this is that cold and warm air is more likely to combine during this time period and create the perfect storm.

2. They aren’t just about snow. This may be one of the lesser-known nor’easter facts - rain, heavy winds, and damaging coastal waters are all possible. Snow is very common, especially since many of these storms occur in the wintertime, but it is important to remember that hurricane-like effects are quite possible when a nor’easter hits.

3. Nor’easters are common in Bryson City, NC. These storms are mainly a threat to the Northeast, particularly along the East Coast.

4. They are dangerous. Nor’easters can cause everything from flooding to power outages, and roads tend to be unsafe during and even after such a storm. Make sure that you stock up on supplies and listen to what local authorities are saying throughout such an event.

5. No official scale exists. There is an informal intensity scale called the Dolan-Davis scale that measures nor’easters, but it is not widely popular.

If the possibility of a nor’easter makes you worry about storm damage from floods, remember that professional help is available if destruction should occur. If you find yourself facing one of these infamous weather events, wait until the chaos calms down and call your local storm damage restoration service. Many technicians can arrive quickly to help with emergencies and begin creating a cleanup and repair plan right away.

What’s an ERP?

3/19/2022 (Permalink)

Green truck and truck box parked in front a commercial business. SERVPRO of Haywood & Transylvania Counties responding to a large water loss.

Many business owners wonder if they are ready for an emergency. The easiest way to prepare your company for a disaster is to start an emergency profile or an ERP.

Who does ERPs?

SERVPRO is a company that consists of independently owned and operated franchises around the country with one right in Brevard, NC. They have been around for many years and are one of the top restoration companies in the United States. Some key facts about the company include:

  • Many insurance companies trust them
  • They have many franchises scattered across the continental US
  • They can quickly handle different disasters

Is Your Business Ready?

Many businesses have a plan for what they will do in the event of emergencies. However, this often doesn't account for what they will do after the event has ended. The good news is that proper planning allows companies to survive these disasters and quickly get back on their feet. While an emergency profile is not a full plan, it makes developing one much easier. Full contingency plans cover incident response, disaster recovery, and business continuity. An ERP handles the incident response and disaster recovery aspects of this. If you don't think your company would survive, your business could probably benefit from an ERP. This can easily be conducted over the mobile app.

How Does an ERP Help?

An emergency profile helps because it can minimize the time it takes for disaster restoration professionals to begin working on your business after an event. This is because your ERP provides detailed instructions of what must be done, how to do it, and who to contact in the event of an emergency. The timely mitigation and restoration that results mean your business will face less downtime and long-term damage from a disaster.
ERPs are a significant benefit for businesses that are working on their contingency plans. Downloading the ERP app is the first step to unlocking the timely mitigation and reduced downtime associated with having a profile.

Get the Lint Out! 3 Tips for Cleaning Your Dryer

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

Remove The lint! 3 Cleaning Tips For Your Dryer

The laundry room may seem like an unlikely place for fire risk, but it is. Clothes dryers contain lint traps that can build up and create a fire risk without proper maintenance. Read on to learn just how to clear your dryer exhaust and lower the risk of lint fire in your Waynesville, NC, home.

Understanding the Risks

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, more than 2,900 home fires are started by clothes dryers each year, due largely to the buildup of lint in the dryer. This lint builds up in:

  • Lint traps
  • Dryer vents
  • Duct work

Lint is combustible, so when it combines with heat, the stage is set for a lint fire. What is a homeowner to do?

Clean the Lint Trap

This may seem obvious, but many of us are doing it wrong. After every load, remove the lint from the screen and wipe the edges. Periodically place it in a sink of hot water and scrub with a bristle brush to get it completely clean and prevent a dryer fire.

Invest in A Brush

A dryer lint brush is a long-handled brush that will help reach the nooks and crannies. Remove your dryer lint filter, stick the brush inside and gently loosen built-up lint. This will remove big chunks of lint that you can gather and discard. Run the dryer on air only to remove any small leftover particles.

Check Your Exhaust

Once a year, unplug your dryer and get a good look at where your exhaust vent connects. Remove that piece, reach inside and use your vent brush to get out as much lint as possible.

Whether it’s from clothing or even dryer sheets, lint is going to build up in your dryer, creating a risk. With proper maintenance, however, you can cut lint fire risk and make sure you are not a fire damage victim.

Looking to Get Involved in a Disaster Recovery Business? SERVPRO Is the Ideal Choice

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

Workers of a restoration company. Build your business with a SERVPRO franchise. You’ll work alongside some of the most respected colleagues in the emergency cleanup industry.

Interested In Working In The Disaster Recovery Industry? SERVPRO Is The Best Option

Are you an entrepreneurial-minded person? Are you itching to start a business or franchise in an existing company? A SERVPRO franchise could be the opportunity of a lifetime. There’s a lot to like about this disaster restoration company from a customer standpoint, but it’s also a prime pick from a business perspective. You can join up with a local franchise in Bryson City, NC, and get on the path to a satisfying venture with a top-notch organization.

Enviable Qualities

When you’re seeking first-rate service from a disaster relief company, SERVPRO has what it takes: fast response, qualified professionals, excellent customer service, experienced, skilled technicians and more. As a business owner, you would join a team you can trust. It has the following characteristics:

  • Locally owned
  • Honest and full of integrity
  • Communicates effectively
  • Professional

National Footprint, Local Presence

SERVPRO is a nationwide, certified disaster restoration and cleanup company that strives to assist client recover from major catastrophes. Though the company operates throughout the country, it also has a local office to meet the needs of local residents who face the direst circumstances.

Honesty is Key

Like any good organization, a SERVOPRO franchise operates like its parent company and delivers honest, trustworthy service to clients. You can be a part of a team that oversees the inspection, evaluation, tear-out, cleanup, restoration, and replacement of homes where disastrous fires and flood wreaked havoc. SERVPRO believes is giving people accurate, truthful information and estimates at every step in a project.

Communicates Well

Not only does SERVPRO communicate effectively with clients, but local franchises also have the support of the home office. As a franchise owner, you know you can also turn to corporate leaders for help.


In every interaction with clients and fellow SERVPRO representatives, you can expect professional conduct. This will manifest itself through hard work, reputation, and appearance.

Build your business with a SERVPRO franchise. You’ll work alongside some of the most respected colleagues in the emergency cleanup industry.

Disaster Preparation: Ensuring Your Business Survives

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

Preparing For Disasters: Ensuring That Your Business Survives.

Disaster preparedness and business preparedness go hand in hand. In fact, knowing how you will respond during a disaster is more critical than most business operations because a lack of an emergency plan may result in the end of your business. Therefore, to ensure that your business survives a potential disaster, make sure you are prepared.

1. Backup Critical Data

In the digital age, it is essential that a company backup all of their critical data. However, while backups on internal servers may sound like a decent plan, what happens if your facility burns to the ground? Data should be saved and stored off-site or even using secure cloud storage.

2. Contact Suppliers and Clients

One of the keys to disaster preparedness is making sure you have a list of all critical contacts. For businesses, this list should include the numbers and names of suppliers and contacts so that you can keep them abreast to your business’ disaster recovery.

3. Check Your Coverage

Do you currently know how well you are protected in the event of a disaster? Will your insurance policy cover fire, water and other property damage? If so, to what extent? Knowing the content of your insurance policy means that you will have a better understanding of your financial responsibilities should a disaster occur.

4. Create an Emergency Plan

While there are disaster restoration specialists in the Maggie Valley,NC, area who can help you develop an emergency response plan, the basis of such a plan is simple. You want to establish a list of emergency contacts who can help you mitigate and restore your commercial property. You should also seek out a company that can respond quickly to reduce the risk of other potential problems, like vagrants or mold growth.

Disaster preparedness can seem like a secondary concern for many business owners and managers. However, the truth is that when a disaster happens, you need to know how to manage the critical operations of your business even outside of having a facility.

3 Potential Reasons You Have Noisy Pipes

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

Three Reasons You Have Noisy Pipes

Your home in Bryson City, NC, should be a comfortable and quiet place. If you have a noisy plumbing system, though, knocks and creaks could keep you up at night. While avoiding a pipe break is likely your primary concern, you may want to quiet your loud pipes. Here are three potential reasons you have noisy pipes in your home.

1. You Have Copper Pipes

Copper pipes tend to expand when hot water passes through them. When you switch to cold water, copper pipes quickly contract. This expansion and contraction can make your plumbing system noisy. While you probably don’t have to worry about a pipe burst, the noise may annoy you. By lowering the temperature on your water heater, you may be able to effectively stop the creaks and pops.

2. A Water Hammer Hits Your Valve

A water hammer occurs when pressured water hits the shut-off valve. Unlike noises from copper pipes, a water hammer may cause a pipe break. You may be able to fix the problem by tinkering with the air chamber in your plumbing system. If the water hammer causes a break, you must fix the broken pipe. Then, work with a water cleanup service to be sure you successfully control flood damage.

3. Water Pressure Plagues Your Plumbing System

Finally, you may have too much water pressure surging through your pipes. While high pressure is good for washing dishes, filling water bottles and showering, it can wreak havoc on your plumbing system. If you think water pressure is the source of your noisy pipes, adjust the pressure regulator.

Noisy pipes can be unbelievably annoying. Depending on the cause of pipe noise, your loud pipes could be a sign of a bigger problem with your plumbing system. By understanding what causes pipes to creak, moan and snap, you can develop a plan for protecting your home’s plumbing.

What Do Mold Removal Professionals Do?

1/18/2022 (Permalink)

The Mold Removal Process

Unless you have been through the mold remediation process, it is difficult to imagine all the steps required to get a professional job done. That is why the mold removal process can cost anywhere between $500 and $30,000. The following list includes just a few of the steps a certified team takes to vanquish the unsightly foes from your home.

1. Water Elimination

Although flooding water is not always the culprit when it comes to mold, water is almost always at the root of a blooming colony of mold. That means materials infested with mold or soaked with water must be removed from the home.

2. Area Disinfection

The first step in attacking the mold is often cleaning the area with an industrial disinfectant. This typically includes floors, walls, and any other surfaces that are in the mold-infested room. The professional mold elimination team knows that spores can cover every surface in the area.

3. Deep Removal

One of the most unpleasant parts of the mold removal process is tearing into the walls and boards of your home’s interior in Brevard, NC, to locate the hidden colonies and begin the black mold removal. This process can not only be labor-intensive; it can be very costly.

4. Extensive Reconstruction

After the mold is completely removed, the area can begin to be rebuilt. Floors, walls, and windows can be added to the room to make it functional once again. This process can take some time, but the room can be redone to your specifications.

5. Zone Completion

Once the area has been repaired, the cleanup process can begin. Many companies will use a high-efficiency particulate air filtration vacuum to finish the process. The HEPA filter has been shown to capture any remaining mold spores in the air.

Mold removal is about killing what mold can be seen, removing what is beneath the active colony, and repairing the damage made by the fungus. Trusting the professionals to diagnose the issue and then treat it can save you time, and money.


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